Boxer Females
Boxers are extremely close with their families and incredibly loyal, which also makes them very alert to anything that might harm their happy home. Boxers may therefore be slow to trust strangers, and in extreme cases they will not hold back in defending their owners. They are known for their courage and tenacity, which makes them very reliable guard dogs, comparing well with similar breeds. However they very rarely react with a bite or viciousness. Once his person signals that everything is safe, he is easy to win over and quick to make new friends.
The boxer has nerves of steel and lots of self-confidence, which gives them great self-control. This steadiness helps to unify all of the initially contradictory character traits into a harmonious whole.

judge Cathy Sinsout (France)
holiday Encounters with the boxer 2023
Intermediate class - Best brindle female, Best female, BEST IN SHOW
Special prize for the most beautiful head in the show!
Judge Beatrice Stocchi (Italy) and Jose Antonio Alonso (Spain)

Candidate for Junior Champion Boxer Club of Ukraine
Candidate for Junior Champion of Ukraine
